EFL composer pianist

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Vauban Project



Vauban Project

The Vauban Association gathers around 120 French cities and other various organisations specialized in national fortification patrimony. In 2007 the Vauban Association celebrated the famous French Marshall's death tercentenary.

Working together with a concert French concert promoter, the Association enhanced this national event involving artistic projects in general and musical commissions in particular to celebrate one of the greatest French architects: Sébastien Le Prestre, aka Marshall de Vauban.

Around 800 cultural, military, historical and social events were organized throughout France and the neighbour countries, involving audiovisual productions, publications and research seminaries, exhibitions and even theatrical shows to promote the various aspects of Vauban's character and personality.

The official opening celebration took place on March 29, 2007 including a historic exibition at the Dôme des Invalides in Paris.

For this special occasion Lühl was hired by the French governement to compose 4 distinct works as a musical tribute to Vauban:

above picture:

page taken from Vauban's treaty

(original drawing)

La Chamade (LWV 73), a symphonic poem for choir and orchestra describing a methodology elaborated by Vauban in which he presents an ideal solution to invade a fortification. The treaty was written in 1704, a few years prior to Louis XIV.'s death in 1715. The work was premiered in December 2013 inside the Invalides Cathedral by the world-wide renowned French National military orchestra (Garde Républicaine-64 musicians). For the first time in music history a military treaty was depicted in musical terms!

click on the following numbers to listen to extracts of the piece

  l'installation de l'Armée de Siège
  Les Reconnaissances
  Les Travaux d'approche  
  La Première Parallèle  
  La Deuxième Parallèle
  L'installation des batteries  
  La Troisième Parallèle  
  Couronnement du Chemin Couvert
  La Préparation à l'Assaut
  La Descente de Fossé  
  Te Deum

Symphonic rehearsal of La Chamade

from left to right :
Enguerrand-Friedrich Lühl,
& music producers

Thierry Montéan and Philippe Dupouy

The rehearsing Orchestre de la Garde Républicaine ,
directed by François Boulanger

A Requiem in memoriam Vauban for choir, soloist and orchestra chœur, soliste et orchestre symphonique (LWV 61), premiered on March 29, 2007 during the national inauguration.

A string quartet called Vauban Quartet, LWV 80 dipicting four different aspects of Vauban's intimate personality. The work was premiered in a fortified city in the north of France called Gravelines in May 2005. Of this piece also exists a version for string symphony (from 12 instrumentalists onwards) as well as for wood wind ensemble (LWV 117).

click on the following numbers to listen to extracts of the piece

  Langsam - misterioso
  Adagio - malinconico

A Suite Royale (LWV 87) for violin, viola, cello or flute, reusing the original musical themes presented in the previous pieces.

click on the following numbers to listen to extracts of the piece

  Allegro Risoluto